Scope of application
The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ (hereinafter collectively the "Seller" or "The ‘Vignobles Meyre’”) have set up an online sales service at the following address : (hereinafter the “Site”) for customers (hereinafter the “Customer(s)”) i.e. any natural person who acts for purposes that are outside the scope of its commercial, industrial, trade or professional activity.
Acceptance of the present general conditions of sale
In the absence of specific stipulations agreed in writing between the parties, all orders placed on the Site are automatically subject to the present general conditions of sale, which prevail over any other document, such as brochures, press, catalogues or e-mailing issued by the Seller, which have only an indicative value.
Any use of the Site and/or placing of an order implies prior consultation and acceptance of the entirety of the present general conditions of sale.
The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ reserve the right to adapt or modify these general conditions of sale at any time. In the case of modification, the general conditions of sale in force on the day of the order was placed will apply.
Prices are shown in Euros, all taxes included (excluding transport, except as an indication in the purchase order module). We reserve the right to apply restrictions on the quantities available, or even to refuse or to cancel an order that is obviously abnormal.
Our offers are exclusively reserved for consumer customers, and in no case for professional retailers. The orders are confirmed by sending the invoice but are final only on receipt of full payment of the price of goods.
Terms and conditions of payment
Payment for goods is made in full when ordering by Carte Bleue type credit card, Visa, Eurocard Mastercard. No extension of due date may be granted without our express prior consent.
En primeur wines
When placing an order for en primeur wines, the total sum, including all taxes and excluding delivery costs, is to be paid.
Upon receipt of your order and payment, we will send you a receipted pro forma invoice including VAT. After the wines have been made available by the estate, July 2019 for the 2017, vintage we will send you the final invoice indicating:
- VAT calculated at the rate in force on the day of the order (currently 20%)
Warning: there is no right of withdrawal for the purchase of en primeur wines.
The customer must contact The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ to organize the withdrawal of his order when the wine is deliverable, i.e. from July 2019 for the 2017 vintage.
The customer has the choice of collecting their order from the property, to have it collected and dispatched by the carrier of his choice, or to have it shipped by a carrier chosen by The ‘Vignobles Meyre’. Transport costs remain at the charge of the client.
Orders will be withdrawn within a maximum period of 4 years after the bottling of the wines ordered, after which date The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ will be entitled to apply a fee for storage ad supervision of 5€00 TTC per case of 12 bottles and per year of delay.
The Customer has the choice to be delivered to, either at home, or to another address to be indicated on the order form. In the event of an error in the wording of the User's contact details or incomplete information, The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ shall not be held liable for the impossibility of delivering the ordered wines.
In the case of wines returned due an incomplete address, the Customer may choose to have the wines re-shipped after payment of the return costs.
Damage: Once the order has left the winery, The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ can no longer be held liable for damage that could be caused to the goods for whatever reason.
Upon receipt of the goods, it is your responsibility to check the condition of the goods: in the case of breakage, loss, or delivery not in conformity with the order, you must express a reserve on the carrier’s delivery note and inform us within 48 hours
Beyond 48 hours your declaration will be null and void.
Withdrawal options
The right of withdrawal is excluded from contracts for the sale of en primeur wines.
The Customer is only liable for the depreciation of the goods resulting from handling, other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of such goods.
Retention of title clause
By express agreement, all our goods remain our property wherever they may be, until the full payment of due invoices. This does not prevent, as soon as the goods have been delivered, the transfer of the risks of the goods to the Client.
Amicable settlement of disputes
In the event of difficulties in the application of the present general conditions of sale, we invite you to seek an amicable solution by making prior contact with our Customer Services.
If you are not satisfied with the response provided by the Customer Services, you can use the free mediation service for consumer disputes by contacting a mediator with a view to resolving the dispute, by referring you to the site, it being specified that the mediation bodies are currently being accredited.
The identity of the competent consumer ombudsman in the sector of The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ activity will therefore be posted on the Site as soon as it is appointed by the Evaluation and Control Commission.
We also inform you that the Customer may also resolve the dispute through the platform of Online dispute resolution set up by the European Commission, available at the following address
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
The present general conditions of sale are subject to French law. In the event that any of the clauses in these general terms and conditions of sale would be null and void, this would not in any case affect the validity and the respect of the present general conditions of sale. In the event of a dispute arising from, or in connection with the placing or execution of an order, the only competent court will be the court of Bordeaux.
Protection of minors
In accordance with article L. 3342-1 of the Public Health Code, the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited.
The Customer declares and undertakes to be 18 years of age on the date of the order.
Health Warning
Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.
The photos and illustrations used on the Site are the property of the Vignobles Alain Meyre, any fraudulent use would lead to legal proceedings.
File Protection
In accordance with the provisions of the law n°98-536 of 1 July 1998 transposing Directive 96/9/EC of 11 March 1996, concerning the legal protection of databases, The ‘Vignobles Meyre’ are producers and owners of all or part of the databases of data making up this Site. All data appearing on this Site (texts, images, graphics, logos, icons) are protected by copyright.
Data protection
Pursuant to article 27 of the French legislation on personal data protection regarding information technology, data files and civil liberties (n° 78-17) of 6th January 1978, clients may have a right to request access or rectification of their personal data to Vignobles Meyre.
Clients acknowledge that Les Vignobles Meyre may process personal data in order to meet the clients’ needs and provide better services (last name, first name, address). Personal data shall only by used by Les Vignobles Meyre. Payments by credit card shall be secured through a secure online system according to SSL standards. Any banking details communicated for an online purchase shall neither be stored nor visible on the Internet. Les Vignobles Meyre shall ensure the confidentiality of personal data.
Personal data shall be collected to respond to clients’ queries and orders. Pursuant to article 27 of the French legislation on personal data protection regarding information technology, data files and civil liberties (n° 78-17) of 6th January 1978, the Client shall have the right to access, rectify and delete his personal data processed by Les Vignobles Meyre. The Client may exercise this right by addressing a request to the customer service by email or by sending a letter to the registered office of Vignobles Meyre.
Use of Cookies
In order to improve your navigation on our Site, cookies are placed on your computer, your mobile phone or your tablet.
The cookies that we issue on our Site are used to recognize the user's device when it connects to our Site in order to:
- Optimize the presentation of our Site to the display preferences of your terminal (display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits, depending on the hardware and visualisation or player software on your device.
- Allow the user to access reserved and personal areas on our Site, such as their personal account on the basis of the information provided at the time the account was created. In this way, the user accesses personalized content or content reserved for them.
- Memorize information relating to a form that you have completed on our Site (access to your account / your preferences).
- Set up security measures, for example when the user is asked to log in after a certain amount of time.
In order to establish statistics and volumes of use and use of our Site, we use the services of third-party companies such as : Google analytics. In this context, we make sure that the partner companies strictly comply with the aforementioned modified law "Informatique et Libertés" of 6 January 1978 and undertake to implement appropriate measures to secure and protect the confidentiality of data.
Setting your web browser
You may choose to disable these cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to notify you of the cookies that are stored in your computer and ask you to accept them or not. You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or refuse them systematically. We remind you that the setting may change your access to our content and services requiring the use of cookies. If your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to enjoy some of our services.
In order to manage cookies as closely as possible to your expectations, we invite you to configure your browser, taking into account the purpose of the cookies.
Internet Explorer :
Click the Tools button, then Internet Options.
Under the General tab, under Navigation History, click Settings.
Click the Show Files button.
Firefox :
Go to the Browser Tools tab and select the Options menu
In the window that appears, choose Privacy and click View Cookies
Safari :
In your browser, choose Edit menu > Preferences.
Click Security.
Click View Cookies.
Google Chrome :
Click the Tools menu icon.
Select Options.
Click the Advanced Options tab and go to the Privacy section.
Click the Show Cookies button.
For more information on cookies, we refer you to the CNIL website :
Legal form : SCEA
VAT number : FR 073 821 40 002
Share capital : 76 224,51 euro
Tel : 05 56 58 07 28
Fax : 05 56 58 07 50
Email :
Legal form : SCEA
VAT number : FR 073 821 40 002
Share capital : 76 224,51 euro
Tel : 05 56 58 07 28
Fax : 05 56 58 07 50
Email :
Studio Télégram - 28 Cours Clémenceau - 33000 BORDEAUX - France - +33 (0)5 57 83 21 06
SAS (simplified joint stock option company) with capital of 10 069 020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE Code 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
All the elements of this site are subject to French and international copyright legislation and intellectual property. Any representation, partial or total, of the site is strictly prohibited by the Articles L122-4 and L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.
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